~ Chapter 31 ~ Episode 5 ~

To make sure her illness stays at bay, Belle takes a dose of medicine and sips a hot cup of herbal tea. She gets lots of rest and listens to Dr. Belvedere’s order, Belle stays home and relax’s the day away.

“Oliver, did you ever ask your mom to bake the twin’s birthday cakes?” Belle asks.

“Sure did!” Oliver replies. “She’s dropping them off today.”

That evening Belle goes to bed early and gets a good nights sleep. She knows that with tomorrow being the twin’s birthday celebration, the day will be an eventful one.

Saturday morning arrives. Belle is busy doing last minute preparations for the party. She brings Peter and Piper downstairs. She stares down at them both as they lay contently in their bassinets unable to believe in just the matter of hours, her tiny babies will be aging up.

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“Are you okay hunny?” Oliver asks.

“It seems like they were just born.” Belle sniffles, she wipes away a tear. “They’re our babies Oll.”

Oliver gives Belle a hug.

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“Children grow up Belle. They all do.”

Belle laughs. “I know that. It just goes by too fast. Before long, Dill and Alex will be teens!”

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Oliver gulps. “Teens! Oh boy!” He continues getting things prepared for the party. Oliver sets the food out on the buffet table, fills the drink fountain and lights the candles on the cakes. “I think that’s everything. We’re ready to party!”

“Come here you.” Belle says lifting Piper from her bassinet. She rocks her gently. “I’m not ready for you to grow up.” Belle looks down at her daughter. “You’ll never be too big to snuggle with mommy, don’t ever forget that.”

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Belle softly kisses Piper and lays her back down. Next she snuggles with Peter. Peter smiles at Belle, his eyes bright. “Oh Peter, how I’m gonna miss that gummy-grin of yours.”

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She begins to sing Peter a lullaby. His eyes get heavy and soon he’s sleeping soundly in Belle’s arms. She gently lays him down hoping he’ll catch a little nap before the family arrives.

The doorbell rings. (DING DONG) Peter’s eyes pop open. “So much for that.” Belle thinks. She takes one last look at the twins, her perfect babies. Oliver invites everyone in.

“Come on in guys!” he says. “Good to see you!”

“I’m so glad you brought Kinley!” Belle tells Naomi.

“Kade had to work, but we didn’t want Kinley missing her cousins party.” Naomi smiles.

“Grab some food everyone! Please, eat up. Then we’ll have cake.” Belle announces. The family bring big appetites and they don’t hesitate to fill their plates. “Delicious.” Mr. Pepper says taking a bite. “Naomi, did you make all this?”

“No, I can’t take credit this time. This was all Belle. I only baked the birthday cakes.” Naomi answers.

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Everyone seems to be enjoying Belle’s cooking. “Dill, are you eating?” Anika questions noticing Dill without a plate.

“He rubs his stomach, I’ve already had three plates!” he burps. “Oops, excuse me!” he giggles. “Now I’m waiting for cake!”

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Belle takes Piper into the other room for a quick diaper change. As she returns to the kitchen Naomi grabs another plate, “Belle, this food is amazing.” she says.

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“Be sure to save room for cake!” Belle reminds everyone. “In fact, how about we sing and have cake now.” Belle suggests. “Yay! Dill cheers. The family all gathers around. “We’ll sing to Peter first since he is technically two minutes older.”

♪ ♫ Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Peter, Happy Birthday to you!” ♪ ♫

Everyone cheers, they blown horns and twirl noise makers, streamers fly through the air.

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Next they sing to Piper.

♫ Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Piper, Happy Birthday to you!” ♪ ♫

Again the horn sounds, the streamers fall and the noise makers zing.

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Peter and Piper Pickles age up into two adorable young children.

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“Who wants cake?” Belle calls out.

“Me!” “Me!” “I’d like a slice.” “I do!” “Me!” Belle hears voices call from all over the kitchen.

“We have pink and we have blue. I’ll slice em’, you grab em’.” Belle tells the family. Everyone begins grabbing pieces of cake faster than Belle can slice them. “Peter and Piper first!” she shouts. ” After all, they are the birthday children!”

Soon everyone has a slice. The house is quiet as the family eats their cake. The sounds of forks hitting the ceramic plates is heard.

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07-12-15_4-03 AM07-12-15_4-04 AM “Peter and Piper hand their empty plates to Belle. ” Did you enjoy your cakes?” she asks the kids.

“Uh huh.” Piper nods her head. “The frosting was my favorite!”

“How about you Peter?” Belle asks.

“It was yummy. I want more.” he answers licking his lips.

Belle places the plates on the counter. “Well then I guess you don’t want to open up your birthday gifts.” she says acting dreary. “I’ll get you more cake.” Belle drags her feet across the floor moving slowly watching Peter out of the corner of her eye.

“No cake! Presents, I want presents!” Peter shouts jumping up and down.

“Pleeasssee mom, can we open our gifts now, pretty please with a plumbob on top?” Piper begs Belle.

Belle smiles, okay okay. “Attention everyone, it’s time for gifts!” Peter and Piper sit on the floor each with a small pile of gifts in front of them. They each tear the wrappings off of their first gift.

“A new doll for my dollhouse! Awww….she’s beautiful!” Piper says hugging the tiny figure.

“Whoa cool!” Peter says with excitement. The family tries to see what he’s got.

“What is it Peter?” Belle asks.

“It’s an autographed baseball bat from my favorite player on the Llamacorns team. This is awesome!” Dill sits staring at the bat with a huge smile.

The twins take turns opening presents. They receive lots of new toys and they each get bedding that matches Dill and Alex’s current bedding sets. “Mom and I bought you both new beds. I’ll put them together in a bit so you can sleep in them tonight.” Oliver tells the twins.

“Yay!” Peter and Piper cheer. They finish opening their gifts and they thank everyone.

“Be sure to thank grammie for baking your cakes.” Belle tells them.

“We will!” they both reply. They give Naomi a quick glance.

The family begins to say their goodbyes as it’s now getting late.

“Thanks for having us.” Anika and Aiden tell Oliver and Belle.”Happy birthday again.” they tell the twins.

“We better get going too.” Naomi says giving Oliver a hug. She kisses all the grandkids goodbye.

“Thanks for our cakes grammie!”

“Goodnight.” Elliot waves.

Once everyone is gone,  Oliver begins party clean up. Belle feeling exhausted grabs some juice out of the fountain and sits for the first time all day..

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“Well that was a good party I’d say.” she says to Oliver. He nods as he puts a pile of dirty dishes into the sink.

Alex grabs a plate of food and sits at the counter.

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She looks behind her at the empty bassinets. “Where are Peter and Piper gonna sleep now?” she asks.

Oliver and Belle look to one another. “Well Alex, Peter is gonna join Dill in his room and Piper is gonna join you in your room.” Belle tells her hoping for a positive reaction.

Alex takes a bite of food. She chews and swallows. “Oh good. I don’t like sleeping in there alone.” she smiles. Belle exhales feeling relieved.

In the living room Peter and Piper are sitting on the sofa enjoying the last of their birthday cakes.

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Piper looks at her brother, ” Hey, happy birthday.” she smiles, her teeth stained pink from the frosting.

Peter bursts out in laughter as he sees Pipers teeth. “Thanks.  Happy birthday to you too Piper.” he replies with a mustache of bright blue frosting smeared across his upper lip.

“Ha!” Piper points laughing at her brother.

“Sounds like there’s a case of the giggles in here.” Belle says entering the living room. That makes the twins laugh even harder. Belle can’t help but smile as she watches them interact. “I still can’t believe my babies are growing up.” A tear escapes her eye. “Happy birthday kiddos.”

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